Join the HIAS Foundation Legacy Society

The HIAS Foundation Legacy Society logo

The HIAS Foundation Legacy Society honors the generosity of friends who share a dedication to providing vital services to refugees and asylum seekers around the world and have prioritized advocating for refugees and displaced people’s fundamental human rights through a planned gift to the HIAS Foundation or by including the Foundation in their estate plans. As a member of the HIAS Foundation Legacy Society, you will be part of a select circle of donors whose philanthropy and foresight will be uniquely recognized as part of HIAS’ 120-year history. Planning your legacy ensures our mission will endure for years to come. 

To join, simply let us know HERE in writing that you have included the HIAS Foundation in your estate plan and provide us with one of the following pieces of documentation:

  • A completed signed enrollment and planned gift notification form
  • A copy of the pertinent provisions in your will or trust
  • A copy of the life insurance policy naming the HIAS Foundation as beneficiary
  • A letter from your attorney stating that you have included the HIAS Foundation in your estate plan

Or contact us at (301) 844-7990 or

Your information will be kept confidential. It is important that we know of your intention to enable the Foundation to plan for the future. Most important, it gives us the opportunity to thank you and to work with you on the specifics of your intention.

If you prefer, you can join the HIAS Foundation Legacy Society anonymously and choose to have your name kept from publication. Keep in mind, we never publish dollar amounts without permission—and your commitment could encourage others to support the HIAS Foundation.

The HIAS Foundation is grateful to the following individuals who have funded an endowment, created a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust, or notified the HIAS Foundation that it or HIAS is a beneficiary of their estate.

HIAS Foundation Legacy Society

Anonymous (39)
Bobbie Abrams
Donald and Sandra Aronoff
Robert and Roberta Aronson
Dr. Elias Baumgarten
Howard A. and Dorothy* G. Berger
Rebekah Berkowitz and Renene Eisenberg
Carole Ann Berkowitz
Alfred W.* and Sylvia Blum
Dr. Ronald Blum
Marianne Bobick in memory of Edward Bobick
Rita G. and William R. Bruce, in memory of their friends Stefan and Henrietta Diament
Mario and Rodica Brunu
Joyce Brykman
Lotte Buff
Michele Byer
W. Stewart Cahn
Arnold Lewis Cohen
Ann F. Cohen
Judith B. Cohen
Prof. Sherman L. Cohn
Mildred* and Marv Conney
Dr. John Crow
Carol Jean Delmar
Prof. Joseph S. Drew and Mrs. Shakun M. Drew
Saralyn Dyme
Elizabeth Earle
Roberta Elliott Wantman
Dr. Arthur S. Elstein
Viviane Bivas El-Yachar
Annette S. Eskind
Alan H. Feldman and Carol B. Seitchik
Dr. Linda S. Ferber
Donald J. and Dorothy* Fleishaker
Rabbi Arthur W. and Linda Flicker
Robert Alan Freibrun
Robert* and Eleanor Freilich
Dr. William C. Freund
Paul S. Frommer
Stanley Ganer
Bernard Gevertzman
Jon M.* and Linda L. Gilbert
Ellen S. Glazer
Lee Gordon
Gregory and Linda Gore
Neil and Rachel Greenbaum
Martin* and Lorraine Greenfield
Michael D. Greenfield and Valery J. Terwilliger
Ms. Lorri M. Greif
Bruce P. Hadburg
James and Andrea* Hamos
Geraldine and Louis Hantman
Dr. Lawrence and Mrs. Terry Hill
Audrey Hollander
Prof. Gerald and Nisha* Holton
Marion R. House
Robert L. Israeloff
Asya Kamsky
Marcia Kaplan-Mann
Dr. Henry and Wendy Kaplowitz
Jack Karako
Jerome M.* and Terry M. Kaufer
Erwin A. Kelen
Sanford and Charlotte Kessler
Elizabeth Kindel
Eva and Jeffrey Kittay
Dr. Peter* and Carol E. Kornfeld
Jacob Lee and Cheryl Krugel-Lee
George Langnas
Allen and Doris Lapporte
Liv G. Larsen
Lili Lebovitz
Jay Levin
Jacqueline K. and Howard H.* Levine
Ms. Miriam Levine Helbok
Dr. Ralph and Helen Levitt
Rosanne Levitt
Morris* z"l and Zita Liebermensch
Jaime* z"l and Sylvia Liwerant
Jeffrey M. Loewy
Sybil E. Maimin
Anna Malkiel
Cantor Michael Mandel
Juliana Manoliu
Ms. Kendall March
Henry D.* and Patricia Mayer
Marianne Mayer
Dr. R. Samuel Mayer and Dr. Sherry Weinstein-Mayer
Karen B. Merns
John and Hilda Mester
Rabbi Michael A. Meyer
Ralph A. Milliken
Rose J. Mills
Leah Mintz-Appleman
Alan H. Molod
Neil M. Moss
Frances E. Mutchnick
Naomi Myrvaagnes
Jeanne E. Nakashima
Marcia Nieder
Tamara S. Nomis
Lucian and Georgetta* Nussbaum
Yves Paschkes
Jason E. Pearl
Shearn* and Linda Platt
Adina* and Eli Reshotko
Kurt W. Roberg
Rebecca Shelley Rosenbaum
Lyle and Gloria Rosenzweig
Dr. Randi Rubovits-Seitz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Safran
Gail R. Satler
Seymour L. Scharf
Howard and Renee Schickler
Rita and Steven Schlosser
Philip M. Schlussel
Eileen Schwartz
Dale* and Susan Schwartz
Michael I. Schwartzman
Edward* and Shirlee Schwarz
Victoria Schwarz
Anne S. Segal
Stanford Sesser
Rabbi Jack and Beverly Shlachter
Deborah R. Siegel
Rabbi Suzanne Singer
Gerald Smolinsky
Donna Sommer
Sandra D. Spinner
Stanley and Anita S.* Steiner
Charles W. Stendig
Ludi Stern
Andrew and Tia Taffer
Fran Taffer and Ian Kearns
Joseph Tanenbaum, Esq.
Betsy Tanner
Leonard Topper
Max B.* and Miriam Vernon
Mrs. Heidi Vizelberg
David Weiden
Dr. Paul L. Weiden and Bev Linkletter
Beverly L. Weise
Carol and Kenneth* Weiser
Michael Wertheimer and Christina Grot
Cynthia Whitehead
Jeffrey S. Wilson
Harriet B. Wolf
Leah Wolf and Elizabeth H. Ratte
Peter Wolf

*of blessed memory

The HIAS Foundation Legacy Society honors the vision and generosity of individuals from whom HIAS or the HIAS Foundation have received a bequest. We celebrate their memory and commitment to advancing the HIAS Foundation’s ability to advocate for refugee rights worldwide. 

HIAS Foundation Estate list

Aaron and Alice Shlevin
Aaron Kaplan
Adolph Rosenthal
Adria Pearlman
Alan and Audrey M. Carlan
Alfred I. and Mimi Jaffe
Alice Rubinstein
Alice Schwarz
Alice Sterling Honig
Annette Leckart
Annette S. Cook Trust
Arnold and Ida M. Geier
Arnold P. Gould Revocable Trust
Arthur Radack
Ava Weiss
Beatrice K. Sager
Bernard Klein Revocable Trust
Carl E. Glick
Carolyn W. Sanger
Claire Weidman
Clifford T. and Gerda L. Shay
Colman Family Foundation, Estate of John C. Colman
Crystal Charitable Remainder Trust, in memory of Norman Crystal
Curt Spiegel
Daniel S. Kampel
David I. Portman
Deborah Rubin
Diana C. Hunter Trust
Donald M. Landis
Dorothea H. Fingerhood
Dr. Andrew and Marietta Romay
Dr. Bernard Belasco
Dr. Bernard L. Klionsky
Dr. Cy Gruberg
Dr. Pauline E. Weiss
Dr. Regina Rumstein
Edward Fleischman
Edward W. Saltzberg Trust
Eleonore Siegel
Elizabeth Melamid
Ellen Kaufman
Emmanuel and Janine Metz
Enid and Leon Schwarzbaum
Estate of Aaron Spector
Estate of Abraham Fienberg
Estate of Abraham Hirsch
Estate of Abraham J. Cohen
Estate of Adelaide D Katz
Estate of Adele Rothenberg
Estate of Adolph Moses
Estate of Adolph Rosenthal
Estate of Agnes Gzesh
Estate of Aida E. Slabotzky Sr.
Estate of Al Jolson
Estate of Alan N. Rachleff
Estate of Albert Engleman
Estate of Albert R. Pitcoff
Estate of Albert Schachter
Estate of Alberta Littman, Alberta Littman Memorial Fund
Estate of Alfred Feller
Estate of Alice C. Sobelman
Estate of Allen Perris
Estate of Amy Oppenheimer
Estate of Andrew Romay
Estate of Anita R. Borman
Estate of Ann Salzman
Estate of Anna Schwartz
Estate of Anne Hoffman
Estate of Anne Santo
Estate of Anne Stern Langer
Estate of Annette Schoenlicht
Estate of Annie Rost
Estate of Annie Weinblatt
Estate of Arlene Rapp
Estate of Arlette B. Stern
Estate of Armand Moss
Estate of Arnold A. Saltzman
Estate of Arnold Auerbach
Estate of Arnold Geier
Estate of Arnold Zuckerman
Estate of Arpad Seifer
Estate of Arthur Lemay
Estate of Augusta Green
Estate of Augusta L. Goldstein
Estate of Augusta Simon
Estate of Basil Merle Debuskey
Estate of Beatrice Popper
Estate of Beatrice Steinhauser
Estate of Ben Guggenheim
Estate of Ben Hammer
Estate of Benjamin Bernstein
Estate of Beril Edelman
Estate of Bernard Aptaker
Estate of Bernard Carr
Estate of Bernard Lippa
Estate of Bernard Malman
Estate of Bernard Mezey
Estate of Bernard Sam Brown
Estate of Bertha Kaufman
Estate of Bertha Lovich
Estate of Bertha Rudd
Estate of Bertha Weichsler
Estate of Bessie B. Piver
Estate of Bessie Kirshenbaum
Estate of Bessie Lederman
Estate of Betty C. Switkes
Estate of Bianca Rindsberg
Estate of Blanche Deutsch
Estate of Boris Krynski
Estate of Boto Leopold
Estate of Burton K. Adelman
Estate of Celia Bernstein
Estate of Chaninah Maschler
Estate of Charles Cohen
Estate of Charles Fisher
Estate of Charles Friedberg
Estate of Charles Loebner
Estate of Charles Markowitz
Estate of Charlotte Loewenstein
Estate of Charlotte S. Schwartz
Estate of Charlotte Stein Sachs
Estate of Charlotte Wertheim
Estate of D.H. Hirsberg
Estate of David H. Storper
Estate of David J. Fox
Estate of David Lehr
Estate of David Rudavsky
Estate of David Weinstock
Estate of Dina Preczep
Estate of Dora Greenberg
Estate of Doris (Dvorah) S. Stoll
Estate of Dorothy Blumenfeld
Estate of Dorothy Denhof
Estate of Dr. Herbert Fogel
Estate of Dr. Leslie M. Hammel
Estate of Edgar Westfield
Estate of Edith C. Blum
Estate of Edith Grosz
Estate of Edith Kubie
Estate of Edith M. Fishkin
Estate of Edith S. Cohn
Estate of Edith V. Garrett
Estate of Edmund Semel
Estate of Edna Friedman Lavitt, MD
Estate of Edward H. Weinberg
Estate of Edward Sternberg
Estate of Edward Yale Carr
Estate of Edwin F. Hantman
Estate of Egon Kalman
Estate of Elaine H. Birn
Estate of Elinor I. Mayer
Estate of Elise Hirschl
Estate of Elizabeth Bass Golding
Estate of Elizabeth Szollosi
Estate of Ella Rosenthal
Estate of Ellen Bergman
Estate of Ellena P. Kohler
Estate of Elsa Davidson
Estate of Ely Fuchs
Estate of Emil Berger
Estate of Emily Walter
Estate of Eric F. Ross
Estate of Eric Gordon
Estate of Eric Grave
Estate of Erna Goettel
Estate of Erna V. Fisher
Estate of Ervin B. London
Estate of Estelle Handelsman
Estate of Esther Freeman
Estate of Esther Heny Sitzer
Estate of Esther Mostofsky
Estate of Esther S. Lobar
Estate of Esther S. Rubin
Estate of Eugene Goldshlager
Estate of Eugene Kaplan
Estate of Eunice S. Liberson
Estate of Eva Nacht
Estate of Evelyn Eber
Estate of Fanny Leidecker
Estate of Fanny Spivack
Estate of Faye F. Kahn
Estate of Felix A. Seiden
Estate of Felix Terner
Estate of Florence B Freedman
Estate of Florence E. Giro
Estate of Florence Edelman
Estate of Florence Jonas
Estate of Frances Brody
Estate of Frank Jean
Estate of Franz M. Joseph
Estate of Fred Ringel
Estate of Freda C. Sass
Estate of Fritzi Zohn
Estate of Gene Berkowicz, In memory of Joseph, Gene, and Rita Berkowicz
Estate of George B. Adler
Estate of George M. Meyer
Estate of George Rubinowitz
Estate of Gerald L. Phillips
Estate of Gertrud Kurth
Estate of Gertrude Becker
Estate of Gertrude Gruen
Estate of Gertrude Reis
Estate of Gertrude Simonson
Estate of Gertrude Weil
Estate of Gladys Benbasat
Estate of Gladys Lunin
Estate of Gloria A. Nerenberg
Estate of Gloria Handler
Estate of Godfrey F. Klein
Estate of Goldie R. Kaback
Estate of Goldie S. Ornstein
Estate of Grace B Siegel
Estate of Grace J Todrus
Estate of Greta Kende
Estate of Grete Gottschalk
Estate of Gussie Sirefman
Estate of Gustav J. Beck
Estate of Gwendolyn B. Gussow
Estate of Hadassah Michtom
Estate of Hannelies Guggenheim
Estate of Hans Erber
Estate of Hans John Calmson Nathan
Estate of Hans Schubert
Estate of Harold Jacobs
Estate of Harold Storch Estate of Harriet Reynolds Korkes Tuve
Estate of Harry Alpert
Estate of Harry Bloom
Estate of Harry Glass
Estate of Harry Gutman
Estate of Harry Roman
Estate of Harry Silverman
Estate of Harry Silverstein
Estate of Harry W. Blumenthal
Estate of Harvey B. Sindle
Estate of Hazel Olzman Bellin
Estate of Hedwig Gutman
Estate of Heinz Martin Schwarz
Estate of Helen A. Solam
Estate of Helen Finestone
Estate of Helen L. Brenner
Estate of Helen Maier
Estate of Helen Ruth Finkel
Estate of Helen S. Sternfels
Estate of Helen Sommer Graves
Estate of Helen Weisman
Estate of Helen Zindler
Estate of Helena Brandis
Estate of Henie Friedman
Estate of Henrietta Armand
Estate of Henrietta Kaufman
Estate of Henry and Lois Boreen
Estate of Henry Emmer
Estate of Henry J. Meyer
Estate of Henry K. Davis
Estate of Henry Senber
Estate of Herbert C. Kelman
Estate of Herbert Weil
Estate of Herman and Rita Doll Inter Vivos Trust
Estate of Herman Boehm
Estate of Herman Bresler
Estate of Herman Fischer
Estate of Herman Fried
Estate of Herman Goldberg
Estate of Herman J Greenhut
Estate of Herman Rosenthal
Estate of Herman Spar
Estate of Herta Strauss
Estate of Hertha Malz
Estate of Hilda C Kolker
Estate of Hilda Hasan
Estate of Hilda Leah Kay
Estate of Hilda M. Ginsburg
Estate of Hilde A Fendler
Estate of Hilde Stapelfeld
Estate of Howard Cobry
Estate of Hugo Einziger
Estate of Hyman Simon
Estate of Ida Copoloff
Estate of Ida Gottesman
Estate of Ida S. Gladstone
Estate of Idelle Greenberg
Estate of Ilsa Stiefel
Estate of Ines Muhlfield
Estate of Inge K. Kauders
Estate of Iris T. Selig
Estate of Irma Selling
Estate of Irving Salert
Estate of Irving Tepper
Estate of Irving Triber
Estate of Irwin C. Unger
Estate of Irwin Schwade
Estate of Isaac Fleischmann
Estate of Isadore Levine
Estate of Isidore Kanovitz
Estate of Jacob Korn
Estate of Jacob Roth
Estate of Jakob Frankel
Estate of James S. Reiner
Estate of Janet White Loeb
Estate of Jay A. Silverberg
Estate of Jean Ingberg
Estate of Jeannette B. Aronow
Estate of Jenny Rosendahl
Estate of Jerome Gewirtz
Estate of Jerome R. Hellerstein
Estate of Jerry Simon
Estate of Joel Maier Stein
Estate of Johanna W Ackerman
Estate of John A. Leslie
Estate of John Katzman
Estate of Josef Brandriss
Estate of Joseph A. Lang
Estate of Joseph Brenner
Estate of Joseph Fabian
Estate of Joseph Flaum
Estate of Joseph Henig
Estate of Joseph S. Shabses
Estate of Joseph S. Shapiro
Estate of Joseph Sterling
Estate of Joseph Waltuch
Estate of Joyce B. Talal
Estate of Judah Rosen
Estate of Judith C. Sommerstein
Estate of Judith H. Rettig
Estate of Julius A. Epstein
Estate of Julius Guggenheimer
Estate of Julius Kaplan
Estate of Julius M. Simon
Estate of Katherine Mayer
Estate of Kurt Unger
Estate of Leah Fein
Estate of Leila Lampert
Estate of Leo and Grete Wohl
Estate of Leo Weinstein
Estate of Leon Eljarrat
Estate of Leon Kupferman
Estate of Leon Weiner
Estate of Leona Neimiad
Estate of Lester Levine
Estate of Lester Rose
Estate of Lester Rosenberg
Estate of Lewis F. Fried
Estate of Lillian & Irving Labes
Estate of Lillian Bulwa
Estate of Lillian D. Shaye
Estate of Lillian Frank
Estate of Lillian Friedman
Estate of Lillian P. Dash
Estate of Lily J. Edelson
Estate of Lily Wagner
Estate of Lisbeth A. Jacobson
Estate of Liselotte Flatow
Estate of Lottie Siegel
Estate of Louis Bruckner
Estate of Louis Sachs
Estate of Louise Hauser
Estate of Lucille Horowitz Johnson
Estate of Lucjan Kops
Estate of Magda Shenberg Leuchter
Estate of Mara Popper
Estate of Marcia Goldfarb
Estate of Margarete H. Katzenstein-Hess
Estate of Margot Forbes
Estate of Margot Kolber
Estate of Maria Garai
Estate of Maria Shapiro
Estate of Marian Rose Nathan
Estate of Marianne Boettigheimer
Estate of Marie G Neveloff
Estate of Marion Miller
Estate of Marjorie P. Spector
Estate of Mark A. Bogart
Estate of Mark Goldstein
Estate of Martha Glaser
Estate of Martha Rosner
Estate of Martha Vogel
Estate of Martin Sacks
Estate of Marvin H. Astrin
Estate of Mary P. Ash
Estate of Mary Prior Hassan
Estate of Maurice Griffel
Estate of Maurice Weiss
Estate of Max Grodnick
Estate of Max Gruenhut
Estate of Max Rich
Estate of Maxine L. Thumim
Estate of Mendel Paul Ornstein
Estate of Merle S. Cahn
Estate of Meyer Bitton
Estate of Meyer Tenenbaum
Estate of Michael & Sophie Schiller
Estate of Michael Daniels
Estate of Michael Farago
Estate of Michael Fiegen
Estate of Michael M. Kirsch
Estate of Michael Neigoff
Estate of Michele Morin
Estate of Miklos & Marta Varhegyi
Estate of Milton E. Salen
Estate of Milton Pashcow
Estate of Minna Herzberg
Estate of Miriam Gordon
Estate of Miriam Less
Estate of Miriam S. Meyerhoff
Estate of Miriam Zuger
Estate of Moe Lasher
Estate of Mollie Lischin
Estate of Molly Picon Kalich
Estate of Morris Cohen
Estate of Morris Gorfinkel
Estate of Morris Kamornick
Estate of Morris Kumm
Estate of Morris Raucher
Estate of Morton Alexander
Estate of Moses R. Klipper
Estate of Murray Abo
Estate of Murray Gelman
Estate of Murray M. Smolar
Estate of Murray Paul Menkes
Estate of Myra A. Blum
Estate of Myron H. Ackerman
Estate of Nancy J. Minson
Estate of Natalie Light
Estate of Nathan E. Ross
Estate of Nathan Galston
Estate of Nathan Kamelhar
Estate of Nathan Savalovitz
Estate of Norma Anderson
Estate of Norman J. Primack
Estate of Oscar Farmati
Estate of Otto Waldmann
Estate of Paul Baron
Estate of Paul Heubert
Estate of Paul Kobrin
Estate of Paul Spitz, In loving memory of Erzsebet & Bela (Adalbert) Spitz, Perished in Auschwitz - May 1944
Estate of Paul Weil/Mannheimer Family
Estate of Paula Joseph
Estate of Paula Weil
Estate of Paula Weisskopf
Estate of Pearl Benioff
Estate of Pearl Bloom
Estate of Peggy Paret
Estate of Philip Levine
Estate of Rachel Brodie
Estate of Rachel Rose Ehrlich
Estate of Raidie P. Merdinger
Estate of Ralph R. Goldin
Estate of Rebecca Bernstein
Estate of Rebecca Burdman
Estate of Rebecca Neidich
Estate of Reva Schlesinger
Estate of Rhoda K. Hirsch
Estate of Rhoda Pers
Estate of Rita Borenstein
Estate of Rita J. Stern
Estate of Robert H. Gara
Estate of Robert M. Neubauer
Estate of Robert Wolfe
Estate of Rosalie Dolmatch
Estate of Rosalie L. Ottenheimer
Estate of Rose A Sternberg
Estate of Rose B. Leiser
Estate of Rose Freedman
Estate of Rose Luks
Estate of Rose Ostrofsky
Estate of Rose S. Gahan
Estate of Rose Schepetinski
Estate of Rose Wiener
Estate of Rosel Meyer
Estate of Ruby F. Moses
Estate of Rudolph Aronowitz
Estate of Rudy Grunfeld
Estate of Ruth Bollettino
Estate of Ruth Chapman
Estate of Ruth E. Kirchheimer
Estate of Ruth Frances Gordon
Estate of Ruth Gardner
Estate of Ruth Hockley
Estate of Ruth L Weiner
Estate of Ruth Milzer
Estate of Ruth N. Wiseman
Estate of Ruth P Kordansky
Estate of Ruth Sragow Newhouse
Estate of Sabina Agid
Estate of Sabina Weinberger
Estate of Sadie Grossman
Estate of Sadie-Jane E. Cahn
Estate of Sally Chase
Estate of Sally Elfenbein
Estate of Sam Zaluskin
Estate of Samuel B. Furshpan
Estate of Samuel I. Cohen
Estate of Samuel Kaplan
Estate of Samuel Nagler
Estate of Samuel Weiner
Estate of Sanford Ramras
Estate of Sara G. Katz
Estate of Sarah Kotok
Estate of Sarah Schnitzer
Estate of Sarah Waxman
Estate of Saul Bregman
Estate of Saul Gerstenfeld
Estate of Saul Litvack
Estate of Saul Shapiro
Estate of Selma Azif
Estate of Selma B. Geller
Estate of Selma Sterling
Estate of Seymour H. Cohn
Estate of Shirley G. Russ
Estate of Shirley Katz-Cohen
Estate of Shirley Schlessinger
Estate of Shirley W. Liebowitz
Estate of Sidney & Sylvia Margoles
Estate of Sidney Pershan
Estate of Simon Kaye
Estate of Sol S. Stern
Estate of Solomon Abramson
Estate of Solomon Bruckmayer
Estate of Solomon Spinadel
Estate of Sonia Rappaport
Estate of Sophia Tarachow
Estate of Sophie Ashenfeld
Estate of Sophie H. Berlin
Estate of Stanley I. Kivort
Estate of Stefan Bloch
Estate of Stella V. Handel
Estate of Stephen Bass
Estate of Stephen Hart
Estate of Stewart Unger
Estate of Susan Fisher
Estate of Susanne Erman
Estate of Susi Steinfink
Estate of Syd Waldman
Estate of Sylvan L. Katz
Estate of Sylvia Block
Estate of Sylvia Brown
Estate of Sylvia L. Shapiro
Estate of Sylvia La Bel
Estate of Tamar Wallock
Estate of Tamar Wollock
Estate of Thelma Simon
Estate of Theodore Doiny
Estate of Theodore L Kronfeld
Estate of Theodore Meltzer
Estate of Timothy R. West
Estate of Tobey Lee Lemen
Estate of Tobi Gordon
Estate of Tobias Rothenberg
Estate of Ursula Nathan
Estate of Vera Laroche
Estate of Victor Robinson
Estate of Virginia K. Chilewich
Estate of Virginia Mishnun Hardman
Estate of Walter Blumenthal
Estate of Walter Green
Estate of Walter L. Popper
Estate of Werner Nartel
Estate of William A. Stern
Estate of William Benenson
Estate of William Bierman
Estate of William Bressler
Estate of William Edelman
Estate of William G. Kauders
Estate of William J. Ober
Estate of William Rand
Estate of William Wolpert
Estate of Wolf Citron
Eugene and Edith F. Friedman
Eva Jellin
Flora Chale
Florence Toledano
Gertrude Margolis
Goldstrom Trust
Grant and Lydia Sipp
Gretchen S. Klaff Revocable Trust
Halina Wolf
Harold and Sarah Gordon
Harriet Margolis
Helga M. Schein
Henry A. Levine
Herta Gertler
Hilde Pollak
Hubert Wolff
Ida Rosenman Sands Family Trust
Irving I. and Eva Miller
Irwin David and Hilda Keer Rosenman
J. Leiter Bamberger, Jr.
Jack Feiner
Jack H. Levin
Jerome and Rhoda Brookman
Jerome S. and Suzanne Teller
Joan Fisher Trust
John Predescu
Judith H. Rettig, M.D.
Judith W. Marshall
Karl Heinz and Cyril Segall
Kurt Goldstrom
Lawrence Wilner
Lecar Trust
Leo and Lore Baer
Leslie Mann Endowment Fund, Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona
Lillian G. Podell
Louis and Adelle*Engel
Louis and Sylvia Zelekovitz
Louis J. Reback 1995 Trust
Louis Klaff Marital Trust
Louis Osofsky
Ludwig Baier
Madwer Revocable Trust
Margit Ulrich
Marilyn P. Mayers
Martin B. Bernstein Trust, in honor of Herman and Sophie Bernstein
Maurice S. Kanbar
Max & Joan Smedresman
Max and Doris Gendelman
Michael Yanowitch
Milton Weiner
Mitzi Fleischer
Mordehai E. and Lili H. Krakowski Fund
Morris Rabinowitz Revocable Trust
Morton A. Michel
Napeague Montauk Highway Charitable Remainder Trust
Napeague Oceanfront Charitable Remainder Trust, in memory of Phyllis Millstein
Natalie W. Weinstein
Nathan and Adele Weinberg
Otto and Susanne Perl
Paul S. Nadler
Peggy Trau
Peter C. Hereld
Peter Katz
Pradzynski Family Living Trust
Rae Klasson
Renee Renard
Robert & Roselyn Solo Family Trust
Robert A. Wiener
Robert Ronald
Rosalind Bialor
Rose Sturman
Ruth Oppenheim
Samuel Schneeweiss
Scheril Revocable Family Trust
Selma and Herbert I. Weisz
Selma and Morry Sterling
Selma Singer Trust
Shirley Fleischer
Sidney and Rose May Closter
Sidney Tanner
Siegbert Schwarz Irrevocable Trust
Stanley R. Stangren
Stephen I. and Florence Soble
Sylvia B. Eisenberg
Sylvia Wubnig
Tess A. Morris
The Carl S. Felsenfeld Revocable Trust
The Gilford Trust
The Joseph Gantman 1988 Trust
The Lawrence Wilner Revocable Trust
The Rosette R. Lurie Trust
Tillie Krugly Trust
Trust of Frances S. Haines
Trust of Harry Horowitz
Trust U Oppenheimer
Trust Under the Will of Elias Reiner
Trust Under the Will of Judith Bellin
Vera Laroche
Werner Michel Trust
Winifred and Lillian Siegel
Wolfgang Wassermann Revocable Trust


*of blessed memory


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